Saturday, November 15, 2014

6 week Butt program!!!!

Ok guys so I ran a marathon last weekend in 5:20 in Santa Barbara! I am recovered.  I am getting better at recovery and speed every time I race.  Last Marathon was in March and I ran it in 5:42.  I am registered to run Sedona Marathon January 31st. So no time to relax gotta get into it again.  Unfortanately and fortunately all the running has made me lean but I lost my booty.  Runners tend to have flat asses haha.

So here is the plan for the next 6 weeks!  I will still be running and riding my bike to keep the cardio up for the next marathon which is about 1200 ft of climbing so I am not aiming for a PR on this course.  Santa Barbara was about 700f t elevation climb. Follow me on Strava: Joberry Sweet for details on my training. 
Wish me luck on bringing booty back! I'm all about that bass! No treble!  Still a skinny bitch tho!