Thursday, July 14, 2011

My new blog

So here I am starting this blog. I have been wanting to do this for a while. I want to share my experiences with anyone interested on being a gluten free Vegan. I started this journey March of 2010 when after 6 years of dealing with GI issues (chronic constipation, bleeding with BMs and really bad gas and stomach pain) I decided to experiment with going gluten free. I was already a vegetarian since 2004 when I found out my dad who was 41 had full blown colorectal cancer. I was still doing some dairy and eggs up until July of 2010. I felt immediate relief after I gave up the gluten and felt even better when I gave up the eggs and dairy. I no longer have migraines, low back pain or sciatica, acne, gas/bloating, acid reflux, bleeding with BMs. I have more energy than I have ever had in my life. I am pretty active. I do Vinyasa yoga at least 5 days a week, ride my bike everyday to work (only 1.1 miles one way impressive huh), jog occasionally, try p90x when my girlfriend motivates me and does it with me, try to do pilates for core strength 1-2x per week. I saw a wholistic nutritionist last year who checked me out using muscle energy to see what foods I had a hard time digesting. She pretty much told me to stay away from most grains except Quinoa, rice and Buckwheat. That explains a lot. Since me and gluten are not friends. The point of this blog is to share my ups and downs with my new lifestyle. I hope it's entertaining at least. Trust me being a GF Vegan after being raised a pickled pig foot eating (among plenty of other interesting animal parts) Mexican from the hood of San Bernaghetto is not easy.... LOL Enjoy everyone. Namaste

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