Saturday, September 20, 2014

My week's fitness

Hello to my devoted readers and followers!  This week was a pretty tough training week.  A lot of social time has to take a back burner because of the training time I have to put in.  I had to skip the LA County Fair with my siblings to go to bed early for a long run today. Not like I would have done much there anyway but would have been nice to hang with them.... Oh well.  At least the weather was really nice today.

Here is what I did this week:

Sunday went on a walk with a friend in Malibu but did not get far because it was too hot. So went to the beach and sat on the sand and ate fruit instead hehe

Monday:  Recovery day just rest.  Too hot out to do anything anyway

Tuesday:  Bike ride canceled due to extreme heat outdoors.  Stayed in and did 60 minutes of Zumba Wii World Party game.  Good times Then Yoga 30 minutes "Backbends"

Wednesday: Still too hot outside 104 degrees.   Butt Bible DVD 20 minutes Level 1.  Ouchie and 30 minutes of power yoga "Legs"

Thursday:  ran 5 miles pace 10:58 in AM
PM after a very long day of work in this brutal heat....Power yoga "Abs"  ouchie have not done all those boats, bicycles and planks in a while.

Friday:  Bike ride 10 miles and Yoga "Twists"  Tonight made Vegan Pozole with hominy and lots of veggies.  It was delish!  See pic :) And btw I ate two large bowls of this! 

Saturday (today):  Ran 18 miles pace 12:55 whew I am beat!  I take water on my long runs and ate a couple of Luna bars and some dates. Time for a long nap!

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