Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Living Pea Sprouts!

I want to share with everyone my love for sprouting! As a vegan I have to make sure I get enough protein in my diet so I read that peas have tons of protein. (Most vegan protein powder supplements use pea protein in their blends.) Anyway since I am on the Raw foods bandwagon right now I decided to sprout them. It is actually not easy to find whole dried peas for sprouting. Clark's in Loma Linda only carries split peas which will not sprout but I did find them at Loma Linda Market. The picture I posted is after soaking 9 hours over night and 2 rinses (every 8 hours). Peas are really low calorie too. No fat and only 130 calories in 1/4 cup dried peas with 9g of protein. I think I will eat them tomorrow for lunch :) If you were wondering about my raw foods diet...I will post on that another day. I am about 65-75% raw. Depends on if I am craving pizza then raw goes out the window. I feel raw foods give me so much energy and prevent gas, bloating especially from beans. Seriously people google Mimi Kirk! I also like Ani Phyo. I am looking forward to Medford OR next week. I will be posting on the good bad and or ugly eats up there soon!

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