Thursday, November 24, 2011

OMG this Thanksgiving was amazing. The food was sooo good. I am so stuffed along with everyone in my family. They were amazed at how satisfying the food was. The quoinoa loaf was so good and the rice stuffed pumpkins were to die for. Cranberry salsa was a hit along with the creamy vegan mashed potatoes. I was able to get a pic of the appetizers early on but once the main food went down on the table it did not I feel so blessed this year and feel so good to eat healthy and not contribute slaughtering of the poor turkeys! Unfortanately I did not have time to make the pumpkin pies or the parsnip mash but the holidays are not I'll get to those soon. Ugghh long day at work tomorrow ahead of me and lots of work on Sat as well... no time to recover from FIBER overload haha.

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