Saturday, November 5, 2011

Past due

Hey everyone! So yes I have been busy as heck lately working FT as Rehab Manager and seeing 3 home health patients a week for evaluations... Add trying to train for a half marathon and hurting my left ankle in the process! Arg I am so frustrated. I am going to see a Chiropractor tomorrow in hopes that I can recoop for the race on Nov 13 in Coronado ( Silver Strand Half Marathon). I am determined dang it! I have not run since Oct 26th 9 miles... Since then I have been wearing a damn boot to rest bc it kills to walk. X ray was negative. I hope its not a stress fx! Those won't show up on xray for a while. Anyhow I had a bone density test and I passed with flying colors. Bones of a 25 yr old. I have reversed my osteopenia from 2004. :) See pic! Most people think bc I don't do dairy I probably have weak bones..nope sorry dairy actually weakens your bones. Please everyone go read The China Study by Campbell. You will be shocked beyond belief. Dairy and Meat Industries are filthy rich and will do anything to keep the truth of how bad animal protein is for you....Open your eyes and ears to the truth and make your decision about how you want to live.

Update on food...I went to Pheonix AZ last weekend and had the yummiest food at a place called True Food at the Biltmore Mall. Yum! Fresh raw veggies and good wine. Farjallah and I went to a place called Pizza Heaven Bistro bc they had a gluten free crust and Vegan Cheese. OMG yuck I threw it all out.

Well the only way I have been able to keep up my cardio in case I can run on Nov 13 is by riding my I have to get up at the butt crack tmrw (thank goodness for DST) to avoid the storm coming in... Say a prayer form me ya'll. I really wanna run my half! I'll post more often I promise. Oooooh stay tuned for my up and coming menu for Thanksgiving. GF Vegan of course. I am hosting and my family is going to partake and love it I am sure.

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