Monday, July 25, 2011

Tucson trip

So I just spent the weekend in Tucson with the hubby as he interviewed for his upcoming transition from resident to attending PM and R physician. I loved it in Tucson. I think we would fit in so well. I have never seen so many healthy restaurants and health food stores! My first night there we went to Thunder Canyon brewery and I ordered New Grist Sorghum and Rice GF beer. It was light but refreshing and tasty. Then I ordered there homemade Sangria which was yummy. Saturday night we had dinner at the Arizona Inn which was so accommodating to my gf and vegan lifestyle. ( I use the word lifestyle because I am so sick of people calling it a restriction.) It is a choice that I am happy with and don't feel like I am being deprived of anything! Anyway I had a wonderful portabello mushroom and polenta dish. OMG it was amazing. Then we hit the bar scene on 4th ave. There were so many places with outdoor patios, live music, and so many people having a good time. It is a college town but we fit in well, plenty of older people hanging out too. Sunday I really wanted to make it to Rene's Organic Oven for a pizza. We were running late but thank goodness we made it in time. OMG!!!! I freaking loved the vegan gluten free pizza! The crust was thick and not too mushy or crispy. The cheese was Follow Your Heart Mozarella and for toppings I ordered basil, cashews, pineapple, and zuchinni. I almost finished the whole 10 in pizza in one sitting. The best part of the experience was that Rene actually comes and takes your order and serves you!!! She was so sweet and I told her how much I loved her food and want to come back asap! Enjoy the food porn pics :)

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