Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years 2012 in San Diego!

I love San Diego! The vibe the ocean the shopping the night life...but especially the food! So Fargo and I started our trip early New year's eve morning hoping to get to Encinitas by lunch time. I wanted to go to a restaurant called Peace Pies which is completely Raw, Vegan and Gluten free. We ordered Kale chips, sauerkraut, a slice of pizza for me and a veggie burger for Fargo. We also ordered dessert but I ate that late 1 am after our wine binge because Raw food makes you soooo full! I also ordered a Kombucha to drink with Hemp protein. I really liked the crispy onions and saurekraut. I would so come back here! Fargo did not like it sooo much. He is not so big on the raw food like I am.
So after lunch we checked in to our room downtown and rested. I decided I wanted to find this store called All Vegan because they carry a line of purses that I have been wanting to get for myself. A lil extra Xmas self love is okay right? So we went and I bought an adorable black purse that is Vegan and made of 100% recycled plastic! That is so awesome! I will post a pic later :) So for dinner we planned on going to an Ethiopian restaurant called Harar's. Sadly they did not make me GF injera (special teff based pancake that you use to eat with). The waiter said the lady that makes it went out of town....gggrrrr so I had the veggie combo without the bread and I was still completely satisfied. The spices are amazing! And unlike Indian food they do not use butter just olive oil. If you have never had Ethiopian food you have to try it! We had Ethiopian wine too. I had a red and Fargo a sweet honey wine. I liked the red better. The waiter said you have to buy it in LA where its made to get it. BTW the waiter was like the Ethiopian version of Napolean Dynamite. So dorky and absent minded. All in all the food was delicious just sad that I got no injera...oh well maybe next time.
On New Year's Day Fargo and I walked to a place called Evolution. This place is awesome it is 100% vegan and has a fast food window. They have cooked "junk food" like french fries and also raw options. I had no appetite due to far too many chips and junk food at the wine bars (the wine encounter and Mosaic wine bar, loved them both btw)the night before so I did not have anything. Fargo had a smoothie, soft serve and vegan buffalo wings. We then took a long walk in Balboa park. The weather so far in 2012 has been heavenly for the middle of winter. 80 degrees! This is why I love Cali so much. Happy New year to all my followers! Please comment me sometime people so I know you are interested! :) God Bless!

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