Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ladies night

I know I know! I am the worst blogger. I will try to keep up with this more often. I have been so busy though with all my new projects and plans for the summer. Anyway lets start out with some food porn to entice you! lol
This is my quinoa salad I prepared for Ladies Night at my gf Vicki's house. Love her house BTW. Anyway here is the basic recipe. I can't give exacts on a lot of stuff bc I use my taste buds to guide me on seasonings but here it goes: 1 cup of quinoa well rinsed if you don't buy the already rinsed kind. Google saponins. yuck! 2 large red peppers 1 large scallion 4-5 persian cucumbers well washed with veggie/fruit wash if not organic 4 small avocado 2 bunches of cilantro 3-4 serrano chilis from my yard jalapenos would work too. De-seed! 1 garlic clove crushed to puree consistency ( I used jar kind) Himilayan sea salt Sesame seeds (2-3 tbsps) juice of 3 lemons apple cider vinegar I use Braggs Indian spice blend (got it from Indian Market was for mint chutney) Paprika onion powder garlic powder Cook quinoa 15 minutes in boiling water like you would rice. I salted water a bit. let it cool Mince scallion, jalapeno and let marinade in lemon juice and vinegar with spices and sesame seeds for 10 minutes. Chop all other veggies except avocado and mix with cooled quinoa. Then add vinagrette and mix well. Taste and add spices to your own taste. Add avocado slices when you serve to the top. Enjoy this one. It was a hit. Quinoa is so healthy for you. Lots of protein and very satisfying. So here is the low down on what I have been up to lately. I ran my first and probably last half marathon in Fontana on June 2cd one day after turning 31! It was awesome. On my actual birthday Samantha and I went to Santa Monica and enjoyed food at the Raw Planet near the promenade. I think this food really fueled me for my half marathon. The raw sunflower chips and guacamole were delish as well as my sprout spiralina salad. Here's some more food porn!
Oh yeah and the date cinnamon bun was to die for. We rode our bikes on the beach too. We had a little scare on the freeway with the bikes almost falling off but that is another story lol So I just started my internship to become a TriYoga instructor. Look them up the lady who started triyoga is named Kali Ray and she is really interesting. She developed this flow almost rhythmic dance type style of yoga by being in an almost trance like state while meditating. It is awesome how she flows. I need 200 hours to finish and am only at 3 hours. Unfortunately the closest teachers are in the OC and Oceanside. So I will be in oceanside this Saturday for another 3 hour session. SO this may take me a while but in the meantime I teach a 15 minute yoga session at work on Tues and Thurs. So far I have a good following. My plan is to probably teach yoga in a studio part time or out of my home or even go to people's homes when I finish. My other goal this year is to become PCS certified. I applied and am just waiting for info on how to prepare. FYI PCS is pediatric board certified specialist with the American PT association. This will make me a better therapist I believe. Now that my half marathon is over with I am getting back into cycling and other forms of exercise. Zumba, pilates, more yoga at the Yogaroom in redlands, and hopefully hiking with my coworkers soon. I have also looked into the certification for plant based nutrition with the company behind the book the CHINA STUDY. If you have not read this you must! This one will have to wait though. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew right now. Well I think that was a good update for now...until next time. Namaste.

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