Saturday, June 30, 2012

See I am getting better!

Namaste! So I just finished another 3 hours toward my yoga certification with Gina in Oceanside. It went well. I think I have all of the breathing down. I'll practice when I teach at work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Can't wait! Gina is a 80-90 percent raw vegan. She suggested watching the movie forks over knifes. So I will hit up blockbuster next week for sure since I don't have netflix. I have gone from 80-100 percent raw to more like 65%. I have done a lot of reading on Ayurvedic medicine and doshas. I am a Vata for sure and it is recommended that Vata dominant people should avoid too much raw so I have started eating my last meal in evening cooked. Only steamed... And I do feel calmer and relaxed in evenings with the change. I avoid roasting, baking or frying anything. I have been eating a lot of foods that the Okinawan population eat. Purple sweet poatoes, bitter melon, towel gourd, burdock root as well as small amounts of tofu. Ayurvedic medicine has taught me that everyone is different and have different needs and digestion. We must listen to our bodies and feed and nourish our bodies and souls accordingly. Well that is all for now. Have a blessed weekend. Namaste....

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